Neurological & Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Cognitive Aging
The human brain is miraculous and a precious resource. We are only beginning to understand how complicated this system is when it’s afflicted by disorders, both neurological and neuropsychiatric—genetically (e.g. some dementias), developmentally (e.g. autism), or due to environmental factors (e.g. viral infections, pollution, poor diet), or physical damage. Yet, the brain is resilient, with plasticity and redundancies. It can be our greatest strength as well as lock us into beliefs that are our greatest hindrances.
Questions I’m exploring:
- How is cognitive aging mechanistically different from dementia, and how do we slow or reverse it?
- How do environmental toxins, stress, and diet affect the prevalence of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders?
- What existential risks are on the horizon with the global increase in Long COVID and other viral infections that affect the brain (eg Epstein-Barr)?
- How is personality imprinted in neural networks, and how can we rewire them?
Related projects:
Mitochondria & Inflammation
More and more, I see mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation being upstream factors of so many diseases, including: neurodegenerative diseases, autism spectrum disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, and others.
Questions I’m exploring:
- How are mitochondria, metabolic diseases, inflammation, and neurological diseases linked?
- How does the microbiome contribute to inflammation and related diseases?
- What personal habits can reduce metabolic diseases and inflammation through diet, exercise, and stress reduction?
Reproductive Technologies
As many are having children later in life, assisted reproductive technologies are increasingly needed to extend the fertility window, select against diseases, and raise healthy children (both biologically and socially).
Questions I’m exploring:
- Impact of metabolic diseases, inflammation, stress, nutrition, and microplastics on fertility and pregnancy
- Diagnostics and nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and child development
- IVF, genetic testing, and early diagnostics
How to Accelerate Innovation
My work at IndieBio and FROs are experiments in creating structures to support innovation. I’m always looking for new problems and trying to create solutions to solve them.
Questions I’m exploring:
- How can we do better, faster, reproducible science?
- How can we help people find cofounders/teams reliably and help foster the relationship?
- How can we help people find their calling and fulfilling careers?
Related projects:
- Science moonshots and careers [Podcast]
- New models of life science innovation [Blog]
- Fellowships [Wiki]
Last updated: 8/31/2024